started as a make money online blog, exploring different ways in making money online like affiliate marketing, paid reviews and advertising.
Then came the SEO madness where this blog was used to experiment getting traffic from popular searches, making it virtually a “no value” blog due to inconsistent contents.
It did generate “some money” in the process, however it was short-lived, and lost its “identity.”
Right now I am embarking on re-branding this blog, focusing mostly on my favorite topics on business resources and tools like cloud computing and big data, applying blogging and social media engagement techniques I learned over the years to earn some followers and reach, targeting those who are new or aspiring bloggers either for personal or business purposes.
Moving on, the previous article discussed about the need to establish a personal blog brand, and build your brand online using social media. Once you already have a blog, it’s safe to say you’re a step closer towards the goals you have set as a blogger. The idea now is to improve your blog continuously. How can you do that?
First, your blog should be informative enough to both educate and entertain. Giving tips, trivia, and instructions are what keep the audience engaged with the blog.
Interweave the blog with personal experiences to tap the audience’s tendency to relate with articles built on emotions. However, keep in mind that it’s one thing to post occasional rants, but it’s another create an impression that you’re maintaining a “hate blog”.
Finally, the blogs must come on regular basis to get hold of readers. Finding that there is always something to wait from the blog will make your audience wanting for more.